Diamond Boxers "It's All About The Journey!"
Pieces of my heart at The Rainbow Bridge! Rumor Is I'ma Flasha Class, CGC, TDI, "Cassi / Mo"November 20, 2001 - June 18, 2008
June 19, 2008 -- Cassi was my first boxer show prospect. Cassi was no "Boo", she was my baby, she never aged. Cassi and I learned a whole lot from each other and together, we trained in conformation, and obedience, we gained the knowledge together to learn and she gave me the courage to enter the show ring proudly with her on the end of my lead, in obedience she was a definite challenge, she had a mind of her own and thought it better to frustrate me and make me laugh (not always funny) at her antics. She proudly passed all her classes, and did receive her CGC & TDI. Though she did not care for the conformation ring, she did very well with her Therapy work, when we'd go to the nursing home she LOVED being doted on by all the residents. When we would go without her they would ask where's Cassi? Why didn't you bring her? I had to promise I would bring her next time. Cassi left us way too soon due to stomach cancer, but she had the most perfect life we could offer. My dear sweet girl you left me with a predicament, the dynamics of the house are changed forever, Bear, Diamond, & Jesse are lost with out your leadership. Poor Bear is having trouble eating, you were his daily "dining buddy", and I miss my Mo and my Boo EVERYDAY!!..... Kally's Rolls Royce, CGC, "Kally / Boo"March 23, 1994 - February 24, 2004
February 25, 2004 -- Kally was my first boxer puppy, and she is the reason for my endearing love and respect for this breed. My letter to my Boo; My Dear Kally Boo, I remember the first day I met you, Carrie and I wandered into the pet shop just to “look”, I knew better than to find a puppy in a pet shop. You instantly let me know you wouldn’t take no for an answer, you knew then that you were destined to be my “Boo.” I left the pet shop a little heavy hearted, but couldn’t get you out of my mind, I remember talking to your dad that night and we decided there was no way we could afford a “purebred” puppy, he couldn’t even come to see you, I think he knew he would instantly fall in love with you as I did. It was Memorial day weekend and Carrie and my dear friend Melisse went shopping as they did time to time, with intentions of surprising me, as I’d realized later. The boys were playing in the backyard and your dad and I had decided to plant a small tree, we dug the hole and just as it was about full of water you came running thru my back door and couldn’t miss falling in the water filled hole on your path right to me, all muddy and wet I scooped you up and fell in love with my first boxer puppy. You were the best puppy ever, and as you grew you quickly took your self appointed role of guardian, especially over your human littermates, they loved running and playing with you. Jason would work very hard on getting you to pull his sled, Ryan and you would always build a snowman every winter, and Carrie taught you tricks and just loved you. You insisted they love you, and they all did. You cherished as I know your dad did the times he would get home from work and sit outside waiting for me, it was your time with dad that no one else was allowed to share. You were the star of your classes and the envy of anyone that met you. Boo you were/are the CHAMPION of my heart. You were the light at the end of my each and every day, from the time I would walk in the door, to your never ending wiggle, to the time we would sit on the floor, you in my lap, or under a big blanket we would fall asleep all cuddled and warm. You were my confidant always, and my support when I needed it, you ALWAYS knew. You kissed my tears away more times than I can count and made me laugh every time you could. As you grew older you were always my rock, my sanity, and my protector. You always met me at the door with your wiggle, and as time grew short, the boys or your dad would help you up on the couch to cuddle with me in the evenings where you were so comfortable. I know it was difficult for you, but you always made it up those long flight of stairs to be by my bedside until we could start a new day. Today was the day I regretted ever to come. I was up all night with you, you were so sick, I went to work exhausted and hoped you’d be better when I came home, when I got to work, Amy insisted I come home and get you, she knew the drive was too long for as tired as I was, so she came to your rescue, we took you to a new vet, by the time we got you to the vet you collapsed in the waiting room, and needed emergency surgery for you had bloated, it all went well, and I thanked God for sparing my boo. I thought I’d have a few more years to love you. The next day I hurried to finish at work to come see you at the clinic, Dr. Bo had said that morning he wanted to take chest x-rays because you were having a hard time breathing, when I had gotten to the clinic Dr. Bo met me in the hall and said he needed to go over the x-rays with me when he was finished with other patients, I knew then it wasn’t good. I came back to where you were, you were waiting for me and relieved I was there, I could see it in your eyes. I sat and hugged and loved you for a very long time, but your wiggle was gone and I knew that you were struggling for every breath you were taking. Dr. Bo then came and got me to show me the x-rays, they were not good. Today was the day I regretted ever to come. I knew I had to let you go, it broke my heart, I called your dad and he too lost a piece of his heart today, he had said you had suffered enough. I came to spend your last hours with you while we waited for the vet, it was my time to be your rock, but you still struggled to be with me, cuddling in my lap the best you could, we had grown old together. You feel asleep forever in my arms and now there is no more pain, but a huge hole in my heart. You have gone to the bridge without me, wait for me, I know your happy kisses will rain upon my face once more; my hands will again caress your beloved head as I look once more into your trusting eyes, that will have been so long gone from my life but never absent from my heart, Then we’ll cross the bridge together………………….. I miss you so much my Boo, Love Forever, Mom........ CorkyAugust 15, 1987 - July 10, 2000
July 11, 2000 -- Corky came into our home when she was about 2 weeks old, a dog where we boarded our horses had puppies and Cork was the runt. Her mom had 8 or 9 puppies and was very young and couldn't care for them all, so she abandoned the runt, as nature told her to do. The kids begged and begged to bring her home, so we did, and I ventured into the task of saving this baby, eke, 3 a.m. feedings and all. Corky, as it turned out, was the one that taught me about the "pack mentality". When she was very young (5-6 weeks old) she started to challenge me for the "alpha" spot in our home. Pepper was the alpha bitch, but Corky felt she needed to be second to her and I was lower in the order of things in her mind, until we came to terms. ... PepperApril 8, 1978 - October 3, 1994
October 4, 1994 -- Pepper was our first puppy, she was a "strong willed girl" to put it nicely. She was a beagle / terrier mix, and just the right size for our apartment. Pepper was quite the challenge for all of her 16 years of life, she demanded respect from all that knew her. She would run away anytime she could, but never farther than arms length to check and make sure you were following her. As she got older and maybe a bit senile, when she would get out she would wander down to the park and just lay there sunning herself until someone came looking for her, maybe she was lost and maybe she was just that confident or arrogant. Pepper was truly a small wonder, she lived a full life and at the age of 16 & 1/2 (115 & 1/2 in dog years), old age caught up with her and the challenges & strife of life were too much for her, she died of old age, she lived life on her terms only, what a wonderful life she had!!!!.....
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